The 2011 Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition celebrated its 10th birthday this year with a gala opening event at the Tok H Shopping Centre that brought back together the talented people that first created it back in 2002, along with many artists, business owners, councillors and interested art lovers. Mr Ken Scarlett OAM officially opened the exhibition along side Xena Holt, Tony Fialides – President, Malcolm Thomson – Curator and City of Stonnington Mayor Cr Melina Sehr.

L to R: Xena Holt, Ken Scarlett, Malcolm Thomson & Tony Fialides
The 2011 Exhibtion catalgue cover

Toorak Village businesses displayed 82 contemporary sculptures in their windows with 16 large sculptures bolted to the pavements of Toorak Road. 95 selected artists from VIC, QLD, SA, NSW and ACT were involved in this years exhibition, with our winner John Topfer coming from Canberra. All sculptures were for sale. The Toorak Village Traders Association this year will purchase the Dean Putting sculpture – ’CANIS’ for permanent display in Toorak Village. This is the third sculpture that now joins work by Rudi Jass and Julia Anderson in the ‘Toorak Village Street Collection’.
This year saw the introduction of large sculptures positioned in the beautiful gardens of the Como House and Garden that extended the exhibition just a little outside the Village boundaries.
The selected and displayed 98 sculptures in this years exhibition were judged by by Anita Archer – Auctioneer and Art Consultant, who judged the winners and 4 awards were given to the value of $8,500. The City of Stonnington Award of $5,000 went to John Topfer with exterior exhibit no 17 – ‘Growth’ at 434 Toorak Road. The Toorak Village Traders Award of $2,500 went to Daniel Hourigan with shop exhibit no 39 – ‘The Mortality Mirror’ at Toorak Village Dental Care. The 2 Tok H Awards of $500 each went to Anne F Dupuis with shop exhibit no 80 – ‘Diverting Figures’ at Simon Johnson and Eliza-Jane Gilchrist with shop exhibit no 71 – ‘Softcore’ at Toorak Nails.
The success of the Sculpture Exhibition is due to the continued support of the City of Stonnington and our many other sponsor partners including: Yarra Trams, 3E Innovative, Melbourne Weekly, Tok H Shopping Centre, Tok Corporate Centre, Villa Specialty Knits, Toorak Travel, Mercedes-Benz Toorak, TRAK Live Lounge Bar. Westpac, Toorak Village Dental Care, NAB, Aromatique, Haighs Chocolates, Bluestar Print, Woodards & Rotary. A very special thank you to 3E Innovative who did all the design work of the exhibition.

City of Stonnington Award of $5,000
John Topfer

Toorak Village Traders Award of $2,500
Daniel Hourigan
The Mortality Mirror

Tok H Award of $500
Anne F Dupuis
Diverting Figures

Tok H Award of $500
Eliza-Jane Gilchrist