The 2006 Festival of Sculpture grew to be the biggest festival of all, exhibiting 110 artists in 110 shop windows, arcades & plaza foyers within the Toorak Village. Malcolm Thomson curated this, the exhibitions fifth year, where he selected both well-known Australian Contemporary artists as well as some very talented emerging artists. The show evolved this year to include the ’12 Sculpture Award’ where students from the 12 local secondary schools where invited to submit and exhibit a piece of sculpture.

L to R: Hon. Jeffrey G Kennett, Malcolm Thomson and President Rob Sayer

The Hon. Mr Jeffrey G. Kennett officially opened the festival on Friday 28th April at the Toorak Place to an audience of media, traders, artists, public & invited guests.
This years judges were Godwin Bradbeer & Les Kossatz, where four awards & prizes were given to the value of $15,500. The Toorak Place Award valued at $10,000, our biggest prize yet, was for the sculpture that demonstrated originality, and a high degree of technical and aesthetic competence. The Toorak Traders Award of $3,500 and The Leader Encouragement Award of $1,500 went to the second & third place artists, with the ’12 Sculpture Award’ of $500 awarded to a selected student.
Again this year’s exhibition was proudly sponsored by the City of Stonnington.
Toorak Place came on board also as a major sponsor. Other supporting sponsors were Nab Bank, Marshal White, Leader Community Newspapers and Tok H Centre.

Toorak Place Award $10,000
Brigit Heller

Toorak Traders Award $3,500
Dianne Coulter
Community Members

Leader Encouragement Award $1,500
Caroline Ierodiaconou